Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Missing my Cpt.

Haven't post anything in a while. I've been on the wonderful site, I've learned alot from the wonderful ladies and gents. I haven't really wrote anything on this about the military life, but I will now. They have really motivated me to be more active in my LHs career.
I've also been really exhausted from getting ready for his deloyment, and moving back to Alabama. Deployment can be very exhausting on a couple. Having some lonely nights without him being here. Think this one is a little harder for him since we're married, but if i just look forward to a couple of months. They will fly by really fast. Just trying to keep him encouraged.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for following my blog. Welcome to the "Military Wife" club. :) Hope to get to know u better in the blog world.

