Saturday, February 26, 2011

I'm Pregnant!!!

O-M-G. I just can't believe it. I'm really pregnant. I have that newlywed type feeling again. I just feel so blessed that I could give this gift from God to my husband. He's so excited to. I see right now where this is going..I feel like I'm obsessing over this. I went out and bought a pregnancy books and magazines, started my own pregnancy book, and about to start a journal. I just can't wait to see how this journey is going to be.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Been a while.

Oh my. Its really been a while since I've post anything. I feel like I've literally been running like a train nonstop. Between work and illness, I've just been very, very busy. I'm just trying to keep it together, since his date keeps getting pushed up. I know that he will be here before I know it, so I just pray that everything will continue to go smooth; which I know it will with God being the guide.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Time is passing by.

Oh how the time is passing. Only two more months. I'm already getting excited. Thanks to the US Army, we didn't get to take our honeymoon. SOOOOO, we when he gets back we're taking our honeymoon, celebrating our 1 year anniversary, both of our birthdays, and any holiday we can think of. I think some people who aren't in my shoes, take these small things for granted.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Milspouse vent.

You know I've met alot of wonderful ladies on Well lately there has been alot of negativity on the site. Me personally I'm just sick of it. It so caddy, everyone wants to give their opinion, and one little word can just get things so screwed up. So I'm going to stay off for a while because I can't let things go, so I will just write here on my blog and some of the wonderful ladies that I've met on there. We need to wait until things settle down....

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I'm Lonely

Ok. Well today was such a beautiful day outside. For some reason these days are harder for me. I just miss laying in the bed talking until around noon..and not having a care in the world.I don't want to sound so depressing, but I just miss him so much.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Missing my Cpt.

Haven't post anything in a while. I've been on the wonderful site, I've learned alot from the wonderful ladies and gents. I haven't really wrote anything on this about the military life, but I will now. They have really motivated me to be more active in my LHs career.
I've also been really exhausted from getting ready for his deloyment, and moving back to Alabama. Deployment can be very exhausting on a couple. Having some lonely nights without him being here. Think this one is a little harder for him since we're married, but if i just look forward to a couple of months. They will fly by really fast. Just trying to keep him encouraged.